Package COMBO (Package 1 & 2)


Tentative Dates:

  • 10ᵗʰ & 11ᵗʰ August 2024
  • 24ᵗʰ & 25ᵗʰ August 2024

Time: 9.00 am – 4.30 pm
Venue: UPM Serdang


SKU: N/A Category:


Day 1: Writing a Good Research Proposal

Morning Sessions:

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of effective research proposal writing, covering the entire process from concept to completion.
  • Group exercise to practice initial proposal writing techniques.
  • Break followed by a session on implementing Research FlowZ in proposals.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Techniques for writing research proposals effectively.
  • Introduction to Mendeley, a reference management tool.

Day 2: Systematic Literature Review

Morning Sessions:

  • Introduction to ATLAS.ti software and systematic literature review methodology.
  • Tutorial on exporting articles from Mendeley to ATLAS.ti.
  • Break followed by an overview of the LRZ template for literature reviews.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Group discussion on research proposals, focusing on incorporating systematic literature review elements.

Asoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Zack Zairul, UPM
Certified ATLAS.ti Trainer

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