Package 3 – Writing a Thematic Review Paper (TR)


Tentative Dates:

  • 6ᵗʰ – 8ᵗʰ September 2024
  • 27ᵗʰ – 29ᵗʰ September 2024

Time: 9.00 am – 4.30 pm
Venue: UPM Serdang / Hotel


SKU: N/A Category:


Day 1: Introduction, Foundation, and Evening Writing Session

Morning Sessions:

  • Overview of thematic review papers and different types of review papers.
  • Searching for articles from databases.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Transferring data to ATLAS.ti 24 and conducting thematic analysis.

Evening Session:

  • Introduction to writing techniques, organizing thoughts, and structuring the paper.
  • Guided writing session based on the day’s learning with feedback.

Day 2: Analysis, Drafting, Feedback, and Evening Writing Session

Morning Sessions:

  • Interpreting and synthesizing data.
  • Writing and drafting the thematic review paper.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Peer review and feedback.
  • Finalizing the initial draft of the thematic review paper.

Evening Session:

  • Advanced writing techniques for clarity and coherence.
  • Guided writing and editing session to refine drafts.

Day 3: Finalizing, Reporting, and Wrap-Up

Morning Sessions:

  • Finalizing the thematic review paper with hands-on sessions for final touches.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Finding themes and producing reports using ATLAS.ti 24.
  • Open discussion, questions, and wrap-up session.

Asoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Zack Zairul, UPM
Certified ATLAS.ti Trainer