Package 4 – Workshop on Thematic Analysis with ATLAS.ti 24


Tentative Dates:

  • 12ᵗʰ – 13ᵗʰ October 2024
  • 26ᵗʰ – 27ᵗʰ October 2024

Time: 9.00 am – 4.30 pm
Venue: UPM Serdang


SKU: N/A Category:


Day 1: Understanding Thematic Analysis and Introduction to ATLAS.ti 24

Morning Sessions:

  • Introduction to thematic analysis, covering ontology, axiology, epistemology, and research paradigms.
  • Detailed explanation of the steps involved in thematic analysis, from data familiarization to report writing.
  • Importance of organizing and preparing data for analysis in ATLAS.ti 24.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Overview of ATLAS.ti 24 software, including its features and user interface.
  • Demonstration of how to import various types of data into ATLAS.ti 24.

Day 2: Conducting Thematic Analysis using ATLAS.ti 24

Morning Sessions:

  • Coding and initial analysis techniques in ATLAS.ti 24.
  • Process of creating themes by grouping related codes and the iterative nature of theme development.

Afternoon Sessions:

  • Techniques for exploring relationships between codes and themes.
  • Visualization tools in ATLAS.ti 24 for presenting themes.
  • Interpretation and reporting of themes, ensuring quality and rigor in thematic analysis.
  • Practical application through hands-on sessions with sample data, followed by Q&A and final remarks.

Asoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Zack Zairul, UPM
Certified ATLAS.ti Trainer